Season Ticket FAQs

Contact the Season Ticket Office

Subscription Hotline: 804-592-3401 (Mon-Fri, 10-5)

Our staff is available to take your renewal by phone or answer your questions, weekdays 10am-5pm. Voicemails may be returned after normal hours. Be sure to add us to your contacts so you know to answer when we call back: 804-592-3401.

Frequently Asked Questions

Packages for the new 25/26 Broadway season are on sale now! Visit our New Package Info Center for more information, or select your desired day below to proceed to checkout.

Tuesday Evening Package
Wednesday Evening Package
Thursday Evening Package
Friday Evening Package
Saturday Matinee Package
Saturday Evening Package
Sunday Matinee Package
Sunday Evening Package

Current subscribers may renew their existing subscription for the new 25/26 season. The renewal deadline is April 4, 2025. Seats not renewed by April 4 will be released.

  • Once in Account Manager*, scroll down to My Invoices and click your renewal Order ID.
  • If you are renewing but would like to make changes to your reserved seats (improving seat location, changing days), you have two options:
    • PACKAGE EXCHANGE: Within Account Manager, look for the green Exchange button on your unpaid Reservation. Follow the steps to view current available seats for your regular package or a different package (all 8 packages are listed). If you find something you like, select those and then renew for the new season. Step-by-step instructions are provided here. This option is for unpaid reservations only, when purchasing the same number of seats as your current order.
    • REQUEST CHANGE: Submit an online change request for increasing/decreasing number of seats, changing package day/time or changing seat location. Look for the green Request Change button under your Reservation Order and type in your request. Requests will be processed by the office on a date-received basis after the renewal deadline of April 4.
    • You can do a Package Exchange and still put in a Request Change. The request will be reviewed after the renewal deadline.
  • When you are ready to renew, click the Make a Payment button. As a renewing subscriber, you have the option of purchasing your season tickets in full or on a payment plan (watch this video for instructions). If you opt-in for the Payment Plan:
    • One-fourth of your invoice total (25%) is due on April 4, with the remaining amount due in three additional installments on May 5, June 5 and July 5, 2025.
    • Only renewing via Account Manager will allow for an automatic payment plan option. After the first payment, the original credit card will be charged for the remaining three payments on the dates listed above. Nothing needed from subscriber unless there is an error processing the payment.
    • Renewing by phone does not allow for an automatic payment plan. Packages can be paid in full or with 25% deposit. Future payments will need to be made manually by the subscriber on the dates listed above.
    • Subscribers will be contacted via email prior to each payment due date.
    • Automatic payment plans cannot be processed using PayPal as a payment method. Do not make your first payment via PayPal.
  • To add tickets for LES MISERABLES, purchase your subscription seats (or make a payment plan payment). Within one business day of your renewal, look for an email from us with a link to purchase tickets online–any number of tickets, in any location, to any performance of the show. Please note that your regular subscription seats may not be available.
  • Visit the Season Ticket FAQs page for additional support.

* If you have forgotten your Account Manager password or have never visited the site, click the “Having trouble logging in” link and you will be sent an email from Etix to reset your password

Subscribers are generally renewed into their same seats and day of the week for the new season, with a few exceptions based on show dates and availability.

If your dates or seats have been altered for any reason, you will receive a personal communication from us via email and/or phone during your renewal period to ensure the changes meet your satisfaction.

If you want to release or add seats, please see below for more information about changing or upgrading your seats.

You have two options:

  1. Do it yourself with Package Exchange. In Account Manager, open your invoice for your subscription package and click Exchange to look for different seating for the same package or a different package. If you don’t find what you want, back out of the Exchange and decide if you want to be on the upgrade list (below). If you do make an exchange, your original seats are released and may be purchased by the general public. Once exchanged, be sure to make your payment to renew. Step-by-step instructions for exchanging tickets to your package online can be found here.
  2. Submit a change request. After the renewal deadline, unrenewed seats will be released and the office will contact patrons on the upgrade list, beginning in May. We will let you know if we can accommodate your request and assist with those by phone. Be sure to pay for your current seats before the renewal deadline or you will not be contacted about a change. Click here for step-by-step instructions; see below for info about logging into Account Manager.

Need help logging in to Account Manager? If you have forgotten your password or never visited the site, click the provided link and you will be sent an email to reset your password.

  • YOUR SEATS ARE YOUR SEATS. Enjoy the same seats at each show, each year. You always have the opportunity to upgrade or make changes.
  • BUY BEFORE THE PUBLIC. You’ll receive early access to buy tickets for all shows, including any new shows added throughout the year.
  • SAVE TIME & MONEY. Plan your year of entertainment in advance – it couldn’t be easier!
  • LIFE HAPPENS. Dates don’t work for your schedule? Something comes up? You can exchange your tickets for a more convenient date of the same show (pending availability).
  • PAYMENT PLAN OPTIONS. Already a season ticket holder? Great news: Payment plans are available exclusively to renewing subscribers.
  • INFO AT YOUR FINGERTIPS. Your personal Account Manager allows you to upgrade, change, and view your subscription at your convenience.
  • STELLAR SERVICE. Your Subscription Office team is here for you every step of the way! View contact info and hours.

Renewing subscribers have the option of purchasing season tickets in full or on a payment plan. If you opt-in for the Payment Plan:

  • One-fourth of your invoice total (25%) is due on April 4, with the remaining amount due in three additional installments on May 5, June 5 and July 5, 2025.
  • Only renewing via Account Manager will allow for an automatic payment plan option. After the first payment, the original credit card will be charged for the remaining three payments on the dates listed above. Nothing needed from subscriber unless there is an error processing the payment.
  • Renewing by phone does not allow for an automatic payment plan. Packages can be paid in full or with 25% deposit. Future payments will need to be made manually by the subscriber on the dates listed above.
  • Subscribers will be contacted via email prior to each payment due date.
  • Automatic payment plans cannot be processed using PayPal as a payment method. Do not make your first payment via PayPal.

Please email or call the Season Ticket Office so we can make that change for you before you make a payment. Once your order is paid, we cannot split orders. See contact info and hours.

Yes! New for 25/26, Broadway in Richmond subscribers are able to lock in Lexus Lounge upgrades as part of their season package. Purchase the VIP option and you’ll enjoy early entry through a private door, premium food and beverage offerings, private restroom access and more. Capacity is limited so sign up early! VIP option is available by phone only, learn more here.

Pre-paid parking is offered as a benefit to renewing subscribers. Parking is limited to the first 300 subscribers per performance, and is not guaranteed with purchase of a subscription. You can click here to purchase, first-come, first-served.

To learn more, please visit our Ticket Policies page.

Broadway in Richmond is not currently requiring proof of vaccine or a negative test for entry but is encouraging masks for all patrons, both vaccinated and unvaccinated.

Children under 2 years old will not be admitted to Broadway in Richmond performances.

This policy applies to all shows currently on sale. Should requirements for entry change, all ticket buyers will be alerted via email, sent by Updates will be posted to the event webpage on and this website. For more information, email

Need help logging in to Account Manager? If you have forgotten your password or never visited the site, click the provided link and you will be sent an email to reset your password.

Still having trouble? Please contact the Subscription Office for assistance. See contact info and hours.

If you think you are not seeing our emails, please check your Spam folder or Promotions tab first.

Please add the email addresses below to your safe senders list, address book, and/or primary inbox tab to ensure you receive our messages.

You may unsubscribe at any time, but know that doing so means you may miss important ticketing and transactional communications.

We highly recommend that all subscribers do the following: Regularly check to ensure you are receiving emails from us; mark the addresses above as safe senders; and reach out to the Subscription Office if your email address has changed (see contact info and hours). The email address you use for Broadway in Richmond, Altria Theater, and Etix communications should be one you check often.

If you think you have mistakenly unsubscribed or need further assistance, please email us at and we will assist.